Source code for evergreen.task

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
"""Task representation of evergreen."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

from datetime import timedelta
from enum import IntEnum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional

from evergreen.api_requests import IssueLinkRequest, MetadataLinkRequest
from evergreen.base import _BaseEvergreenObject, evg_attrib, evg_datetime_attrib
from evergreen.manifest import Manifest
from evergreen.task_annotations import TaskAnnotation

    from evergreen.api import EvergreenApi
    from evergreen.tst import Tst  # noqa: F401


    ["create_time", "dispatch_time", "finish_time", "ingest_time", "scheduled_time", "start_time"]

_BINARY_TYPES = ["application"]

[docs]class Artifact(_BaseEvergreenObject): """Representation of a task artifact from evergreen.""" name = evg_attrib("name") url = evg_attrib("url") visibility = evg_attrib("visibility") ignore_for_fetch = evg_attrib("ignore_for_fetch") content_type = evg_attrib("content_type") def __init__(self, json: Dict[str, Any], api: "EvergreenApi") -> None: """Create an instance of an evergreen task artifact.""" super(Artifact, self).__init__(json, api)
[docs] def stream( self, decode_unicode: bool = True, chunk_size: Optional[int] = None, is_binary: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Iterable[str]: """ Retrieve an iterator of the streamed contents of this artifact. :param decode_unicode: determines if we decode as unicode :param chunk_size: the size of the chunks to be read :param is_binary: explicit variable, overrides information from content type :return: Iterable to stream contents of artifact. """ if is_binary is None: is_binary = self._is_binary() return self._api._stream_api( self.url, decode_unicode=decode_unicode, chunk_size=chunk_size, is_binary=is_binary, )
def _is_binary(self) -> bool: """Determine if an artifact is binary based on content_type.""" _type, subtype = self.content_type.split("/") if _type in _BINARY_TYPES: return True else: return False
[docs]class StatusScore(IntEnum): """Integer score of the task status.""" SUCCESS = 1 FAILURE = 2 FAILURE_SYSTEM = 3 FAILURE_TIMEOUT = 4 UNDISPATCHED = 5
[docs] @classmethod def get_task_status_score(cls, task: "Task") -> "StatusScore": """ Retrieve the status score based on the task status. :return: Status score. """ if task.is_success(): return StatusScore.SUCCESS if task.is_undispatched(): return StatusScore.UNDISPATCHED if task.is_timeout(): return StatusScore.FAILURE_TIMEOUT if task.is_system_failure(): return StatusScore.FAILURE_SYSTEM return StatusScore.FAILURE
[docs]class OomTrackerInfo(_BaseEvergreenObject): """Representation of a task's OOM Tracker Info from evergreen.""" detected = evg_attrib("detected") pids = evg_attrib("pids") def __init__(self, json: Dict[str, Any], api: "EvergreenApi") -> None: """Create an instance of an evergreen task OOM Tracker Info.""" super(OomTrackerInfo, self).__init__(json, api)
[docs]class StatusDetails(_BaseEvergreenObject): """Representation of a task status details from evergreen.""" status = evg_attrib("status") type = evg_attrib("type") desc = evg_attrib("desc") timed_out = evg_attrib("timed_out") def __init__(self, json: Dict[str, Any], api: "EvergreenApi") -> None: """Create an instance of an evergreen task status details.""" super(StatusDetails, self).__init__(json, api) @property def oom_tracker_info(self) -> OomTrackerInfo: """ Retrieve the OOM tracker info from the status details for the given task. :return: OOM Tracker Info. """ return OomTrackerInfo(self.json["oom_tracker_info"], self._api)
[docs]class Task(_BaseEvergreenObject): """Representation of an Evergreen task.""" activated = evg_attrib("activated") activated_by = evg_attrib("activated_by") build_id = evg_attrib("build_id") build_variant = evg_attrib("build_variant") build_variant_display_name = evg_attrib("build_variant_display_name") create_time = evg_datetime_attrib("create_time") depends_on = evg_attrib("depends_on") dispatch_time = evg_datetime_attrib("dispatch_time") display_name = evg_attrib("display_name") display_only = evg_attrib("display_only") display_status = evg_attrib("display_status") distro_id = evg_attrib("distro_id") est_wait_to_start_ms = evg_attrib("est_wait_to_start_ms") execution = evg_attrib("execution") execution_tasks = evg_attrib("execution_tasks") expected_duration_ms = evg_attrib("expected_duration_ms") finish_time = evg_datetime_attrib("finish_time") generate_task = evg_attrib("generate_task") generated_by = evg_attrib("generated_by") host_id = evg_attrib("host_id") ingest_time = evg_datetime_attrib("ingest_time") mainline = evg_attrib("mainline") order = evg_attrib("order") parent_task_id = evg_attrib("parent_task_id") project_id = evg_attrib("project_id") project_identifier = evg_attrib("project_identifier") priority = evg_attrib("priority") restarts = evg_attrib("restarts") revision = evg_attrib("revision") scheduled_time = evg_datetime_attrib("scheduled_time") start_time = evg_datetime_attrib("start_time") status = evg_attrib("status") task_group = evg_attrib("task_group") task_group_max_hosts = evg_attrib("task_group_max_hosts") task_id = evg_attrib("task_id") time_taken_ms = evg_attrib("time_taken_ms") version_id = evg_attrib("version_id") def __init__(self, json: Dict[str, Any], api: "EvergreenApi") -> None: """Create an instance of an evergreen task.""" super(Task, self).__init__(json, api) self._logs_map: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None @property def artifacts(self) -> List[Artifact]: """ Retrieve the artifacts for the given task. :return: List of artifacts. """ if not self.json.get("artifacts"): return [] return [Artifact(artifact, self._api) for artifact in self.json["artifacts"]] @property def log_map(self) -> Dict: """ Retrieve a dict of all the logs. :return: Dictionary of the logs. """ if not self._logs_map: self._logs_map = {key: value for key, value in self.json["logs"].items()} return self._logs_map
[docs] def get_project_identifier(self) -> str: """ Return the human-readable project id. Can also be accessed as an attribute. :return: Human-readable project id. """ return self.project_identifier
[docs] def retrieve_log(self, log_name: str, raw: bool = False) -> str: """ Retrieve the contents of the specified log. :param log_name: Name of log to retrieve. :param raw: Retrieve raw version of log. :return: Contents of the specified log. """ return self._api.retrieve_task_log(self.log_map[log_name], raw)
[docs] def stream_log(self, log_name: str) -> Iterable[str]: """ Retrieve an iterator of a streamed log contents for the given log. :param log_name: Log to stream. :return: Iterable log contents. """ return self._api.stream_log(self.log_map[log_name])
@property def status_details(self) -> StatusDetails: """ Retrieve the status details for the given task. :return: Status details. """ return StatusDetails(self.json["status_details"], self._api)
[docs] def get_status_score(self) -> StatusScore: """ Retrieve the status score enum for the given task. :return: Status score. """ return StatusScore.get_task_status_score(self)
[docs] def get_execution(self, execution: int) -> Optional["Task"]: """ Get the task info for the specified execution. :param execution: Index of execution. :return: Task info for specified execution. """ if self.execution == execution: return self if "previous_executions" in self.json: for task in self.json["previous_executions"]: if task["execution"] == execution: return Task(task, self._api) return None
[docs] def get_execution_or_self(self, execution: int) -> "Task": """ Get the specified execution if it exists. If the specified execution does not exist, return self. :param execution: Index of execution. :return: Task info for specified execution or self. """ task_execution = self.get_execution(execution) if task_execution: return task_execution return self
[docs] def wait_time(self) -> Optional[timedelta]: """ Get the time taken until the task started running. :return: Time taken until task started running. """ if self.start_time and self.ingest_time: return self.start_time - self.ingest_time return None
[docs] def wait_time_once_unblocked(self) -> Optional[timedelta]: """ Get the time taken until the task started running. Once it is unblocked by task dependencies. :return: Time taken until task started running. """ if self.start_time and self.scheduled_time: return self.start_time - self.scheduled_time return None
[docs] def is_success(self) -> bool: """ Whether task was successful. :return: True if task was successful. """ return self.status == EVG_SUCCESS_STATUS
[docs] def is_test_failure(self) -> bool: """ Whether task was a test failure. :return: True is task was a test failure. """ if not self.is_success() and self.status_details and self.status_details.type: return self.status_details.type == EVG_TEST_STATUS_TYPE return False
[docs] def is_undispatched(self) -> bool: """ Whether the task was undispatched. :return: True is task was undispatched. """ return self.status == EVG_UNDISPATCHED_STATUS
[docs] def is_system_failure(self) -> bool: """ Whether task resulted in a system failure. :return: True if task was a system failure. """ if not self.is_success() and self.status_details and self.status_details.type: return self.status_details.type == EVG_SYSTEM_FAILURE_STATUS return False
[docs] def is_timeout(self) -> bool: """ Whether task results in a timeout. :return: True if task was a timeout. """ if not self.is_success() and self.status_details and self.status_details.timed_out: return self.status_details.timed_out return False
[docs] def is_setup_failure(self) -> bool: """ Whether task is a setup failure. :return: True if task is a setup failure. """ if not self.is_success() and self.status_details and self.status_details.type: return self.status_details.type == EVG_SETUP_FAILURE_STATUS_TYPE return False
[docs] def is_completed(self) -> bool: """ Whether task is completed. :return: True if task is completed. """ return self.status == EVG_SUCCESS_STATUS or self.status == EVG_FAILED_STATUS
[docs] def has_oom(self) -> bool: """ Determine if the given task has an OOM failure. :return: True if task has an OOM failure. """ return self.status_details.oom_tracker_info.detected
[docs] def is_active(self) -> bool: """ Determine if the given task is active. :return: True if task is active. """ return self.scheduled_time and not self.finish_time
[docs] def get_tests( self, status: Optional[str] = None, execution: Optional[int] = None ) -> List["Tst"]: """ Get the test results for this task. :param status: Only return tests with the given status. :param execution: Return results for specified execution, if specified. :return: List of test results for the task. """ return self._api.tests_by_task( self.task_id, status=status, execution=self.execution if execution is None else execution, )
[docs] def get_num_of_tests(self) -> int: """ Get the number of tests that ran as part of this task. :return: Number of tests for the task. """ return self._api.num_of_tests_by_task(self.task_id)
[docs] def get_execution_tasks( self, filter_fn: Optional[Callable[["Task"], bool]] = None ) -> Optional[List["Task"]]: """ Get a list of execution tasks associated with this task. If this is a display task, return the tasks execution tasks associated with it. If this is not a display task, returns None. :param filter_fn: Function to filter returned results. :return: List of execution tasks. """ if self.display_only: execution_tasks = [ self._api.task_by_id(task_id, fetch_all_executions=True) for task_id in self.execution_tasks ] execution_tasks = [ task.get_execution_or_self(self.execution) for task in execution_tasks ] if filter_fn: return [task for task in execution_tasks if filter_fn(task)] return execution_tasks return None
[docs] def get_manifest(self) -> Optional[Manifest]: """Get the Manifest for this task.""" return self._api.manifest_for_task(self.task_id)
[docs] def get_task_annotation(self) -> List[TaskAnnotation]: """Get the task annotation for this task.""" return self._api.get_task_annotation(self.task_id, self.execution)
[docs] def get_oom_pids(self) -> List[int]: """Get the OOM PIDs for this task.""" return ( self.status_details.oom_tracker_info.pids if self.status_details.oom_tracker_info.pids else [] )
[docs] def annotate( self, message: Optional[str] = None, issues: Optional[List[IssueLinkRequest]] = None, suspected_issues: Optional[List[IssueLinkRequest]] = None, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, metadata_links: Optional[List[MetadataLinkRequest]] = None, ) -> None: """ Annotate the specified task. :param message: Message to add to the annotations. :param issues: Issues to attach to the annotation. :param suspected_issues: Suspected issues to add to the annotation. :param metadata: Extra metadata to add to the issue. :param metadata_links: Metadata links to add to the annotation. """ self._api.annotate_task( self.task_id, self.execution, message, issues, suspected_issues, metadata, metadata_links, )
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Get a string representation of Task for debugging purposes. :return: String representation of Task. """ return "Task({id})".format(id=self.task_id)