Source code for evergreen.version

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
"""Version representation of evergreen."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

from enum import Enum
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional

import structlog

from evergreen.base import _BaseEvergreenObject, evg_attrib, evg_datetime_attrib
from import Build
from evergreen.manifest import ManifestModule
from evergreen.metrics.versionmetrics import VersionMetrics

    from evergreen.api import EvergreenApi
    from evergreen.manifest import Manifest
    from evergreen.patch import Patch  # noqa: F401

LOGGER = structlog.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Requester(str, Enum): """Requester that created version.""" PATCH_REQUEST = "patch_request" GITTER_REQUEST = "gitter_request" GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST = "github_pull_request" MERGE_TEST = "merge_test" AD_HOC = "ad_hoc" TRIGGER_REQUEST = "trigger_request" UNKNOWN = "UNKNOWN"
[docs] def evg_value(self) -> str: """Get the evergreen value for a requester.""" return
[docs] def stats_value(self) -> str: """Get the value for the stats endpoints.""" value_mappings = { Requester.PATCH_REQUEST: "patch", Requester.GITTER_REQUEST: "mainline", Requester.GITHUB_PULL_REQUEST: "patch", Requester.MERGE_TEST: "", Requester.AD_HOC: "adhoc", Requester.TRIGGER_REQUEST: "trigger", Requester.UNKNOWN: "", } return value_mappings[self]
[docs]class BuildVariantStatus(_BaseEvergreenObject): """Representation of a Build Variants status.""" build_variant = evg_attrib("build_variant") build_id = evg_attrib("build_id") def __init__(self, json: Dict[str, Any], api: "EvergreenApi") -> None: """Create an instance of a Build Variants status.""" super(BuildVariantStatus, self).__init__(json, api)
[docs] def get_build(self) -> "Build": """Get the build object for this build variants status.""" return self._api.build_by_id(self.build_id)
[docs]class Version(_BaseEvergreenObject): """Representation of an Evergreen Version.""" version_id = evg_attrib("version_id") create_time = evg_datetime_attrib("create_time") start_time = evg_datetime_attrib("start_time") finish_time = evg_datetime_attrib("finish_time") revision = evg_attrib("revision") order = evg_attrib("order") project = evg_attrib("project") author = evg_attrib("author") author_email = evg_attrib("author_email") message = evg_attrib("message") status = evg_attrib("status") repo = evg_attrib("repo") branch = evg_attrib("branch") errors = evg_attrib("errors") warnings = evg_attrib("warnings") ignored = evg_attrib("ignored") project_identifier = evg_attrib("project_identifier") aborted = evg_attrib("aborted") parameters = evg_attrib("parameters") def __init__(self, json: Dict[str, Any], api: "EvergreenApi") -> None: """ Create an instance of an evergreen version. :param json: json representing version """ super(Version, self).__init__(json, api) if "build_variants_status" in self.json and self.json["build_variants_status"]: self.build_variants_map = { bvs["build_variant"]: bvs["build_id"] for bvs in self.json["build_variants_status"] } LOGGER.debug( "build_variants_map initialized for version", version_id=self.version_id, build_variants_map=self.build_variants_map, ) else: LOGGER.debug( "build_variants_status either empty or not found for version", version_id=self.version_id, json=self.json, ) self.build_variants_map = {} @property def build_variants_status(self) -> List[BuildVariantStatus]: """Get a list of build variant statuses.""" if "build_variants_status" not in self.json or not self.json["build_variants_status"]: return [] build_variants_status = self.json["build_variants_status"] return [BuildVariantStatus(bvs, self._api) for bvs in build_variants_status] @property def requester(self) -> Requester: """Get the requester of this version.""" return Requester[self.json.get("requester", "UNKNOWN").upper()]
[docs] def build_by_variant(self, build_variant: str) -> "Build": """ Get a build object for the specified variant. :param build_variant: Build variant to get build for. :return: Build object for variant. """ return self._api.build_by_id(self.build_variants_map[build_variant])
[docs] def get_manifest(self) -> "Manifest": """ Get the manifest for this version. :return: Manifest for this version. """ return self._api.manifest(self.project, self.revision)
[docs] def get_modules(self) -> Optional[Dict[str, ManifestModule]]: """ Get the modules for this version. :return: ManifestModules for this version. """ return self.get_manifest().modules
[docs] def get_builds(self) -> List["Build"]: """ Get all the builds that are a part of this version. :return: List of build that are a part of this version. """ return self._api.builds_by_version(self.version_id)
[docs] def is_patch(self) -> bool: """ Determine if this version from a patch build. :return: True if this version is a patch build. """ if self.requester and self.requester != Requester.UNKNOWN: return self.requester in PATCH_REQUESTERS return not self.version_id.startswith(self.project.replace("-", "_"))
[docs] def is_completed(self) -> bool: """ Determine if this version has completed running tasks. :return: True if version has completed. """ return self.status in COMPLETED_STATES
[docs] def get_patch(self) -> Optional["Patch"]: """ Get the patch information for this version. :return: Patch for this version. """ if self.is_patch(): return self._api.patch_by_id(self.version_id) return None
[docs] def get_metrics(self, task_filter_fn: Optional[Callable] = None) -> Optional[VersionMetrics]: """ Calculate the metrics for this version. Metrics are only available on versions that have finished running. :param task_filter_fn: function to filter tasks included for metrics, should accept a task argument. :return: Metrics for this version. """ if self.status != EVG_VERSION_STATUS_CREATED: return VersionMetrics(self).calculate(task_filter_fn) return None
def __repr__(self) -> str: """ Get the string representation of Version for debugging purposes. :return: String representation of Version. """ return "Version({id})".format(id=self.version_id)
[docs]class RecentVersionRow(_BaseEvergreenObject): """Wrapper for a row of the RecentVersions endpoint.""" build_variant = evg_attrib("build_variant") @property def builds(self) -> Dict[str, Build]: """Get a map of build IDs to build objects.""" return {k: Build(v, self._api) for k, v in self.json["builds"].items()}
[docs]class RecentVersions(_BaseEvergreenObject): """Wrapper for the data object returned by /projects/{project_id}/recent_versions.""" rows = evg_attrib("rows") build_variants = evg_attrib("build_variants") @property def row_map(self) -> Dict[str, RecentVersionRow]: """Get a map of build names to RecentVersionRows.""" return {k: RecentVersionRow(v, self._api) for k, v in self.json["rows"].items()} @property def versions(self) -> List[Version]: """ Get the list of versions from the recent versions response object. :return: List of versions from the response object """ return [Version(wrapper["versions"], self._api) for wrapper in self.json["versions"]]