Criteria Application
In projects with multiple build variants, you may not desire to apply the criteria to every build
variant. The --display-variant-name
and/or --build-variant
options allow you to control which
build variants the checks should apply. Options take a regular expressions as an argument. Any build
variants that match against the regular express will have their criteria checked.
The --display-variant-name
and/or --build-variant
option can be specified multiple times to
provide multiple regular expression to check against.
For example, to check that a task was successful on builds that end with “-required” and “-suggested” and which display names start with “! " and “* “, I would run the following:
git co-evg-base \
--passing-task compile_dist_test \
--display-variant-name "^! .*" \
--display-variant-name "^\* .*" \
--build-variant ".*-required$" \
--build-variant ".*-suggested$"
By default, the mongodb-mongo-master
project will be queried. This can be changed by using
the --evg-project
For example, to query the mongodb-mongo-v5.0
project, I would run the following:
git co-evg-base --pass-threshold 0.95 --evg-project mongodb-mongo-v5.0